tidy up workspace

It seems offices become more cramped and cluttered over time. I find we start to surround ourselves with items we might need someday versus the items we truly need for work. Periodically it is necessary to take a good look at the space and declutter, getting rid of items which are obsolete, seldom/never used, or items which can be stored elsewhere.Motorola Multi-Unit Charger

One nifty way to tidy up your radio chargers is a multi-unit charger. When you have multiple single unit chargers and all their cords running amuck, you can take up some space, not to mention many electrical outlets. Most radio models have multi-unit chargers available. These gang chargers typically hold up to 6 radios, and consist of a main unit with 6 radio cups, and a power supply. A variety of options are available, everything from a basic model to the fancier battery maintenance systems with digital displays.

Motorola has a smart energy system charging system named Impres

Motorola has a smart energy system charging system named Impres which It’s the ultimate in battery recharging. When coupled with the Impres batteries the charger will keep track of each individual battery and automatically condition the battery when needed. This adds to the length of time a battery will last, saving you time and money.

Now would be a great time to tidy up your workspace and save money on the gang charger you need. If you have questions about which gang charger would go with your radios give us a call here at Delmmar Communications, 800-872-2627. We are always happy to help.