bulging, smoking, flaming batteries

Bulging 2-way radio battery

Bulging 2-way radio battery

Scary even when it’s not Halloween!

What happens when your radio’s battery becomes a fire hazard? How does this happen?  Physical damage, over charging, defective battery… these can all be potential causes.

This bulging DTR series battery is from a DTR650 2-way radio that came into Delmmar’s 2-way radio repair center for repair. Our check-in crew quickly spotted the bulge and placed the battery in a secure fire resistant location.

During a repair the radio and accompanying accessories are assessed by a qualified technician. All common failure parts, along with any other necessary parts are replaced. With this radio a phone call was made before beginning the repair. The customer chose to have their DTR650 radio repaired under the flat rate repair and purchase a new battery to replace this bulging one. Bulgy has been disposed of in hazardous waste.

In the news recently there has been a lot of talk about electronics devices catching fire on planes. An educated guess would be the battery in the device was damaged or poor workmanship. It could have been physical or liquid damage, overcharging, poor manufacturing, or the effects of the change in air pressure in the cabin. While we have not heard of any incidents involving 2-way radios (which have restrictions when taken on a plane), users should always use wisdom whether in the air or on the ground.

There are dozens of youtube videos showing these types of batteries in flames once they are abused, overcharged, wet or mistreated.  Short story: If your radio battery bulges, or shows any sign of puncture/damage DO NOT use it.

Delmmar Communications‘ advice: For your two-way radio choose a fresh good name brand battery from a reputable radio dealer. Choose good quality Li-Ion or NiMH batteries instead of Li-Polymer. If you have questions give us a call, 800-872-2627.
